Welcome to Tails of Rescue in Kahoots!
Mutts Transport Service doing business as (DBA) Tails of Rescue in Kahoots is a volunteer based, non profit, 501c3 organization
Tails of Rescue in Kahoots is limited intake rescue that carefully selects animals we can provide adequate space, time, and financial resources for. We make the difficult choice to save animals that would otherwise be euthanized due to space or medical issues at shelters.
Tails of Rescue in Kahoots operates a retail space for pet supplies where we offer excellent products for animals at a great value. The proceeds from the retail sales directly support our services, covering vet bills and overhead expenses. We have no paid staff and rely on donations and earnings to care for the animals in our care.
All dogs in our care are placed in foster homes and brought to the store for socialization or meet and greets. By shopping and considering adoption from Tails of Rescue in Kahoots, every dollar spent goes towards changing a dog's life
Thank you for your support!